I forbindelse med oppdrag søker vi etter en Commercial Manager.
Job responsibilities:
- Ensure a controlled project execution w.r.t. to budgets and ensure a correct reporting regarding the project’s overall financial status
- Coordinate regular cost reports, Financial reports, invoices to Client, change reports and quantity update reports
- Report to the Project Manager the project’s development w.r.t. budgets and on matters that can influence the project’s commercial results
- Shall be familiar with applicable statutory requirements, laws, rules and regulations
- Is responsible for implementing, follow-up and reporting the department’s internal budgets
- Coordinate contractual matters with client
- Organize and lead Cost Control, Estimating, Subcontract, Administration, and Contract in the Project
- Coordinate variation orders and variation order requests
- Used to work in complex organization structures ie Consortiums
Required Education:
- Master or Bachelor Degree – Commercial topics
Required Work Experience:
Relevant experience as Commercial Manager from similar big EPC projects in Offshore Wind or Oil and Gas related projects or similar
Required Qualifications:
What we are looking for:
- Multidiscipline experience and understanding
- Ability to lead, motivate and work in teams
- A flexible, systematic, accurate and independent mindset
- Proactive and result oriented
- Ability to build good working relations across the organizations
- Willingness to share own experiences and knowledge
- Ability to communicate fluently in both English and Scandinavian, both verbally and in writing
Job Specifications:
The application deadline for this position is ASAP, but we will also consider candidates for similar or other relevant positions consecutively.
Workplace: Asker
Start: 03.08.20
Duration: 01.08.22
Contki Ressursert tilbyr deg som ansatt:
- Faglig utvikling og fleksibilitet gjennom å jobbe i prosjekter hos store offentlige og private virksomheter
- God oppfølging av våre medarbeidere
- Gode forsikrings- og pensjonsordninger
I Contiki Ressurser vektlegger vi å være tett på våre ansatte og vi fokuserer på å være en profesjonell, trygg og hyggelig arbeidsgiver hvor du tydelig skal merke at fokus er på deg.
Har du har spørsmål rundt stillingen er det bare å kontakte Marina Isdal mob. 98236403.
Hvis du mener at dette er jobben for deg: send en utfyllende CV og en kort beskrivelse av hvorfor du søker til konsulent@contikiressurser.no og vi tar kontakt med aktuelle kandidater for en samtale.